these features work:
Our online features are designed for individuals and small businesses
who desire affordable legal assistance in their pursuits. The E-Register
Your Marksm,
E-Copyright Your Worksm,
and E-Start Your Businesssm
features include secure form pages with which our clients can transmit
can transmit their information to us efficiently and confidentially. After
a conflict check is conducted in order to protect against the possibility
of conflicts of interest, we will provide you with individualized professional
legal assistance with your trademark, copyright, or business formation
matter off line. Fees are saved due to a reduction our time required for
the intake of your information. Our revolutionary E-Patent Your Inventionsm
feature is more elaborate than our other features. This feature includes
detailed instructions which guide our E-Clientssm
through a series of steps to provide an invention disclosure, a preliminary
patent search, and various aspects of the invention and industry which
will save us time in providing assistance, thereby producing a savings
in legal fees. This feature can also be used to merely request a professional
patentability search. What these features are not: First, it is crucial to understand that these features should not be construed in any way as providing legal advice. Use of our online features alone will not produce, and should not be relied upon to produce, legally sound applications or documents. Legal assistance is needed to evaluate the information provided and the details of each individual situation so that proper recommendations can be made and effective applications and documents can be prepared. Second, these are not "do-it-yourself" aids. These features should not be relied upon to proceed without legal counsel. They are intended to provide those who have wisely chosen to seek professional assistance with an affordable solution. Security and confidentiality: Our online features are provided on a secure socket layer and use state of the art encryption to assure privacy and security in transmitting your information. Therefore, you need not be concerned with providing your confidential information online. Furthermore, we are obligated to maintain your confidential information in secrecy unless required to disclose it by court order. If, however, you would be more comfortable working with us in a traditional manner, please feel free to Contact Us. Costs: There are no charges for your initial use of our online features. Use of any one of our processes is considered a request for services. You are not obligated to continue with us. We will respond with an estimate of our fees. At that time, you are free to accept or decline our offer. If you accept, we will forward our standard engagement letter and request a payment of our fees in advance. Payments are accepted by check or money order, or by an online payment using your credit card. More information, and getting started: For further information about our online features, click on the following links, read our information, and submit your data whenever you are ready. If you would prefer to speak with us before getting started, or if you have additional questions, feel free to Contact Us at any time. |
For further information, Contact Us